Rules of Interpretation

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Lesson 2-Rules of Interpretation

Lesson 2.

The object of this lesson is to show understanding of three basic rules of interpretation. You may wonder how to begin your study of the Bible. What book should you start with? How many verses each day?

Three basic rules of interpretation.

You should begin with a short book such as Colossians and study about 20-25 verses a day. You may be able to read more than this, but your study will take more time. Studying a short passage each day helps you to gain the most out of your study.

You may have questions about the meaning of certain passages of Scripture. How can you interpret or explain the meaning of them? The first rule of interpretation is to ask questions about each passage. (write them down in your notes for your reference) Who is the author? What is his main purpose? To whom is he writing? Who or what is the passage about? How was something done? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What does the passage mean? What was the purpose in saying this? What truth does it suggest?

We will use Romans 8:26,27 as a sample passage to interpret;

"In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the Spirit Himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express. And God, who sees into our hearts, knows what the thought of the Spirit is; because Spirit pleads with God onbehalf of His people and in accordance with His will."

We cannot answer all our questions but we can see what these verses are about, prayer, the Holy Spirit’s prayers on our behalf. How the Spirit prays is in "groans". These come from deep inside us in "our hearts" where the Spirit dwells. The Spirit prays when we don’t know how we ought to; prays on behalf of God’s people wherever they are. This passage means that we have a great Helper. One who not only pleads with God for us but also for that which is according to God’s will. This passage of the author serves to encourage us in our faith and that as we really seek to do God’s will, the Holy Spirit will renew our minds. Then we will pray in accordance with God’s will.

The second rule of interpretation is: Explain the meaning of a Scripture as it relates to its context. False teachings can come from taking a verse out of its context, claiming God’s promises while ignoring the conditions that go with them. Others use a verse to support their own belief without paying attention to the right meaning of the verse which is based on its context.

The third rule of interpretation: When a passage presents limited teaching or a seeming conflict, we need to study other passages that give related teaching. This third rule provides a more complete and balanced teaching of the truth. Look in the margins of your Bible for references to related Scriptures.

These rules become easier to use the more you read and study your Bible.

"I am the light of the world. He who follows Me
shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."
John 8:12

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