The object of this website is not intended to replace the bible, it is to help Christians in their New Life to:
- understand what the Bible will do for you
- give insights to some subjects we feel are important to your studies
- help understand Biblical times and customs
Studying the Bible helps us to:
- discover sin
- convict us
- cleanse us from the pollution of sin
- imparts strength to us
- instructs us in everyday life
- provides us with a sword for victory over sin
- makes our life fruitful
- gives us the power to pray
The Bible is the greatest book ever written. In it, God speaks Himself to men, a book of divine inspiration. It
- comfort
- guidance in perplexity
- advice for our problems
- daily inspiration for our every need
- reveals the truth about God
- explains the origin of man
- points out the only way to salvation with eternal life
- explains the age-old problem of sin and suffering
The great theme of the bible is:
- the Lord Jesus Christ
- His work of redemption for mankind
The Person and work of Jesus are promised, prophesied and pictured in the types and symbols of the Old Testament;
His truth, beauty and full meaning of His life is revealed in the Gospels; His death and resurrection are explained in the
Epistles; His glorious coming again to earth in the future is unmistakably foretold in the book of Revelation. The
purpose of the written word of God, the Bible, is to reveal to us the living word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also as a new Christian, you sometimes hear expressions that you don't understand, such as annointing of oil, laying hands on the sick, etc. or maybe you just don't know the O.T. (Old Testament) history. I try to enlighten you on some of these
Rather than speculating about the exact time of God’s judgment, called "The Day Of The Lord", our pressing task is to proclaim His message of redemption to a lost world until the day of the Lord is fulfilled.
Most of the work and Bible verses on this website are taken from the NKJV of the New Open Bible.
verses are from the Amplified Bible and are noted as AMP.